Welcome to CFGF

Learn more about us....
At Christ Full Gospel Fellowship, our mission is two-pronged, and based on the Great Commandment, found in Matthew 22:38-39 (" ... 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment.......
Meet Our Pastors
In 1981, Pastor Ben Buhler was saved, and filled with the Holy Ghost, under the ministry of Drs. George and Hazel Hill, founders of Victory Churches International, in Lethbridge, Alberta. Not long afterwards, he moved to Winkler, Manitoba where he met and married his wife Geraldine (Gerri). Up to this point, their two children and their grandchildren, all reside in the area......
About Victory Churches
Victory Churches International is a pioneer, grass roots, apostolic and prophetic movement with a strong church planting heart which is purpose driven. The heartbeat of Victory is Leadership Development, Church Expansion and World Missions.....
Service Times
Come and Worship With Us or Join us Online
9:30 am - Corporate Prayer
10:00 - Service Starts
Live on Facebook & YouTube - 10:00 am