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What we believe

At Christ Full Gospel Fellowship, our mission is two-pronged, and based on the Great Commandment, found in Matthew 22:38-39 (" ... 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbour as yourself."), and the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:18-20. ( "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.")

From these two passages of scripture we feel we have a five point mandate. 
- to love God with all that we have and everything that is in us. 
- to love our neighbour in the same way we love ourselves 
- to go into all the world teaching people to know Christ and to follow His ways 
- baptizing new believers into the church 
- to teach and prepare all believers in Christ to minister in the church and to share Christ's love and forgiveness with others

To help us fulfill this mission, we conduct services where we offer praise and worship to God for His wonderful gift, His Son Jesus Christ. In every service the desire is to create an atmosphere where the presence of the Holy Spirit will be allowed to minister. This is done through contemporary praise and worship music, and inspiring faith filled messages. The teaching is practical enough to allow everyone to implement God's Word in their own lives. Sunday services, Tuesday evening services, special events like banquets, musical pageants, sock hops, Easter egg hunts, and daily vacation Bible school, are events we use to allow friends, family, and hopefully those who would not normally attend church, to come and enjoy the Lord's presence and the church family. Along side of the local activity, we are also involved in other regions. Members of this church have been involved in prison ministry as well as ministry in Mexico, the Philippines, and Africa. Through Victory Churches International, our involvement in missions has expanded beyond what we were capable of doing by ourselves. It has been our pleasure to see people come to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, as well as being involved in planting and establishing churches, orphanages, feeding centres, and schools throughout the world.


Meet Our Pastors

Pastors Ben & Geraldine Buhler

In 1981, Pastor Ben Buhler was saved, and filled with the Holy Ghost, under the ministry of Drs. George and Hazel Hill, founders of Victory Churches International, in Lethbridge, Alberta. Not long afterwards, he moved to Winkler, Manitoba where he met and married his wife Geraldine (Gerri).  Up to this point, their two children and their grandchildren, all reside in the area.
Although Pastor Ben heard the call to full time ministry shortly after receiving Christ, it took several years before he was able to answer it. While working full time, he enrolled and graduated from Bible school, using distance education. After completing some night courses at a Bible College in Winnipeg, he received his ministerial licensing. In 1991, he was ordained as a minister of the church of Jesus Christ, and was immediately installed as pastor of the home based church which was to become Christ Full Gospel Fellowship.
Geraldine used her gifts in administration to help organize and bring structure to this group of believers. Having been instrumental in birthing the vision of the church, as well as having been involved with every aspect of the church from janitorial to teaching, it was a natural step for her to receive her ordination. When the time came and the parents of the church began to express a desire for Christian education, Pastor Geraldine Buhler spearheaded the opening of Christ Full Gospel Academy. Currently, she is involved in administrating and teaching in the Academy.
Together, Pastors Ben and Geraldine provide spiritual oversight and practical interpretations of God's Word as they continue to strive to fulfill God's call on their lives at Christ Full Gospel Fellowship, in Plum Coulee, Manitoba.
Together they extend an invitation to you, to have you join us for a service.

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